You may remember learning about energy in your high school science classes.
Potential energy is energy waiting to be put into motion or action, like in a compressed spring or an inflated balloon.
Kinetic energy is energy that is currently in motion or action, like your car when it's driving down the highway.
In our lives and careers, the same principles apply. When people are coping with hardship or feel that they are not at their best, they often find themselves stuck in a chronic state of potential. They feel like spectators rather than players in their own lives and careers.
At best, being stuck in a state of potential gets tiring or frustrating. At worst, it can cause a wasting of one's career and quality of life.
Said another way, potential gets old fast. Instead, our goal should be to achieve the feelings of confidence and wellbeing that come from feeling engaged and relevant in the ways that we utilize our time and energy.
About the Kinetic Index Evaluation
Your Kinetic Index is a quantitative measurement that we assign to you and, if applicable, members of your team or people with whom you work or collaborate on a regular basis. We do this to better understand how your energy is being spent and refreshed. We also want to quickly evaluate how much of your energy is being positively amplified by your environment, while also evaluating how much of your energy is being wasted on coping with any barriers to your progress and your overall individual effectiveness.
Assessing Teams and Individuals
The Kinetic Index Evaluation is administered to individuals; however, we also administer the assessment to multiple individuals on a team or within an organization. By looking at the averages, we can better understand how teams are functioning and what they can focus on to improve their overall energy and effectiveness.
Taking the Assessment
To complete the Kinetic Index Evaluation, you will download and print the PDF provided, which will take you about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
You will rate 30 factors impacting your energy and individual effectiveness as a professional. For each factor, you will select the option that best describes the impact it has on you. Only answer for yourself and from your own personal perspective.
After you complete the evaluation, you will follow the instructions provided to calculate and record your Individual Kinetic Index. Please save your work as you will need it later in the program.
Your evaluation data will be sent directly to your coach.
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